Wednesday, 8 June 2011

thursday 08th June a.m. lesson for HY

today is a busy day
  • the external moderators are in assessing all of your work
  • you will be working on your photography work while they are here
    • completing all the items on the tick list - this means annotating sketchbooks, adding definitions of community, providing evidence of the exhibition - i have a lot of photos
    • evidence of research into exhibition costs
  • then you can begin the next bits
    • write a magazine review for the exhibition - as if you were a reporter for a local or national magazine - this means that you must collect examples first and annotate structure, typography, layout, headers, images etc - then draft your own - this should be critical but fair - offer praise etc - as if you were writing a published report/review of the show
    • investigate the structure and layout for a calendar - be prepared to present your ideas in the afternoon next week